Saturday, June 20, 2020


I just watched a Netflix movie called Feel the Beat starring Sofia Carson, Wolfgang Novogratz and Donna Lynne Champlin. Basically, it is about a self-centred dancer who reluctantly returns home and agrees to coach a squad of young misfits for a big competition after blowing a Broadway audition. I wanted to watch this for 2 simple reasons. 1, is that the lead role was played by Sofia Carson. And 2, is that it was a movie about dance. Little did I know that I would take away so much from this movie.

I took away that I do not have to be perfect. In the world of dance and in life, many people around us, be it teachers or parents or friends or even sometimes ourself expects us to be perfect. To produce perfect grades, to look perfect and to just be the best. But the truth is that no one is perfect and our quirks and imperfections make each and every one of us unique. This is something my mother will always try to instil in us since my siblings and I were younger and to be honest, it is a hard thing to remember. Especially in a world where comparison and competition is encouraged. Sometimes it is also hard when you know that you have put in more than 100% in something yet it is considered not perfect. Instead, we should not aim to be perfect or the best of the group but to be the best us. To reach our best and to put in our 100% in whatever we do without putting others down.

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