Friday, July 17, 2020

His Perfect Plan

Over the last 16 weeks, I have been doing an internship. As I have mentioned before, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I struggle in new situations, new people, new environment, anything different from the norm and it takes me a while to become comfortable, sometimes a few months sometimes years. When I was preparing for my internship, I worried daily and had built up anxiety as the day drew closer. But due to Covid-19, at that point in time, having to go into the office and working from home was bi-weekly. This meant that I only had to go to the office for 8 weeks now. At this point, I was really pleased and thankful that the time frame had worked out so well.

The first week of working from home, went not too bad as I could work from home and only had to communicate with my supervisor. This meant that it was fewer "new" things to get used to. After this first week, the spread of Covid-19 worsened, thus Singapore went into Circuit Breaker. This meant that week 2, Tuesday onwards was fully work from home for 2 months. Which was then extended to 3 months. Basically, all in all, I mainly worked from home and only went to the office for a total of 10 days and out of that, I only had to work 2 full days. 

Most people would think this is a disadvantage and that you will not really get a full experience of the internship. But to be very honest, I prayed real hard for some kind of leeway, either for me to totally be anxiety-free or for great guidance from the Lord. The Lord knew my struggles and heard my prayers. This version of internship was the best scenario for me to learn in, as I could be in the safe environment of my home and learnt a lot with a few new things introduced slowly.  In the beginning, I honestly thought that it was just a coincidence, but I know that the Lord used a bad situation, Covid-19, for a positive and that His plans are truly perfect.

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