Saturday, August 15, 2020


I normally do not like talking to strangers and certain foods. As I have mentioned in my previous post, Into The Unknown, that I do not like talking to strangers. Mainly because it means new voices, accents, questions, smells and so on. I can hold rehearsed conversations such as buying my own food because I am always behind a counter and do not have to look at whoever. Just having to say the food I wanted off the menu, take away or eat in and thank you, hence, rehearsed. But, if it is not rehearsed I would prefer not to speak to anyone I am not familiar with. Food on the other hand, I have yet to mention. For me, I am sensitive to certain tastes and textures of foods. I do not like any berries because of the possibility of it being sour when I am expecting sweet. So I refuse to eat it. Tomatoes, bean sprouts and many other vegetables have a metallic taste to me and tomatoes have a texture which is just unpleasant. Yet, I love Brussel sprouts, spinach and others so I am not just trying to avoid vegetables. 

However, recently I have been challenging myself to try and step out on my little bubble. My first big step was when I decided to go to the gym for the first time by myself. There were new treadmills and I did not know how to use it. I contemplated just leaving but decided to try and ask for help. My first attempt I kind of just froze and the guy just walked away shaking his head. Then I tried again, this time asking an older woman for help. I got a few words out and I am really please, they were "How do I use the treadmill?" and "Thanks". It does not seem like much, but those 7 words were a huge win as it was not a rehearsed conversation. The second thing I did was to try and eat a strawberry. I saw someone suggest online to eat strawberries with cream cheese and it tastes like strawberry cheesecake which is always sweet. So, I tried it out and loved it. 

Sometimes things that may seem like nothing to others may be the biggest improvement you have been able to make. I have seen that for myself and the progress I have been making and am pleased that I have been able to sneak a toe out of my bubble. Now to slowly work on it more.